Transaction Advisory

RPA professionals possess the unique and proven skills needed to successfully shepherd stakeholders through complex sell-side advisory while positioning the company to maximize returns. Further, in addition to having the experience and skill set to manage an efficient and comprehensive transaction process, RPA distinguishes itself by applying the firm’s extensive operational and financial experience to identify value maximizing strategies.

RPA identifies and addresses challenges while successfully executing every step of a transaction.

Sales Process

  • Develop impactful and effective marketing materials
  • Identify both strategic and financial buyer candidates
  • Contact and manage buyer due diligence requests
  • Conduct on-site tours of the company for prospective buyers
  • Provide ongoing updates and reports regarding the buyer process, sources and uses, and carry cost estimates
  • Advise on 363 sales processes, auctions and bid evaluations
  • Develop valuation parameters

Post-Closing Transaction Support

  • Analyze transition services agreements
  • Analyze components of closing price adjustments:
    • Indebtedness
    • Working capital
    • Transaction expenses

Other Services

  • Conduct integration planning
  • Prepare capital structure analysis